Metropolitan Zoological Park & Museum District Board Members
The Zoo Museum District’s governing body, its Board of Directors, is comprised of eight individuals. Four Board members represent the citizens of the City of St. Louis and are appointed by the City Mayor. County citizens are represented by four Board members who are appointed by the County Executive. Board members are appointed for four years on a staggered basis, serve without compensation, and serve until their successors are appointed.
District Board members are assisted by other citizens, confirmed by the Mayor and County Executive, who serve on Subdistrict Commissions to oversee funds for each of the five member institutions. Each Subdistrict Commission has ten members, half from the City of St. Louis and half from St. Louis County. Commissioners play a vital role in assuring that taxpayer funds are carefully and responsibly spent.
Current Board of Directors
Those Who Served on The Board of Directors
Brad Bakker**
Mary Elliott Brandin
Harry T. Bussmann III
Jacqueline L. Butler
Thomas J. Campbell
Christine A. Chadwick**
Barbara C. Claggett
Darnetta Clinkscale**
Pat Coleman
George K. Conant, Jr.
Thelma V. Cook
Gerald P. Deppe
Judge Jimmie M. Edwards
Robert E. Eggmann
Jennifer H. Fisher
Frankie Muse Freeman
Jerome E. Glick
Anne P. Gorham
Michelle Harris**
Shelia Hudson**
Clarence T. Hunter
Roy W. Jordan
Perry Joseph
Donna G. Knight
Gerhardt Kramer
Hal A. Kroeger, Jr.
Betty J. Lee
Robert G. Lowery, Sr.
Joyce L. Margulis
Kay A. Marshall
Adrienne B. Morgan
Thomas C. Mummert**
Jill Nowak**
Kenneth S. Powell III**
Robert A. Powell
Francis A. Rankin
Georgia P. Rankin
Paul K. Richey
Kenneth J. Rothman
Joan W. Ruesing
Armentha M. Russell
Homer E. Sayad
Gerard J. Schmidt
Vincent C. Schoemehl
Alice Scott
Hugh Scott III
Bishop Richard F. Stika
Sheldon H. Stock
Donald J. Stohr
Leon Strauss
John H. Thomas
Richard E. Thomas
Ruth M. Trusheim
Ben Uchitelle
Charles E. Valier
Floyd C. Warmann
David S. Weber
Joan J. Weber
Gary C. Werths
Gloria Wessels
Pat Whitaker
**Current Board Member